Good performance and fairness are highly appreciated

Our employees have a salary which motivates them. The salary amount is set up individually according to the frame work and their performance. We meet the staff needs and try to find the suitable character work which will suits to both sides.

It's all about communication

We're a relatively small collective. Therefore we do not need complex rules and regulations. We follow basic principles, common sense, and we are not afraid to talk about anything openly. Everyone in the company is open for discussion.

Friendly collective

We're trying to make our people go to work. A pleasant working environment, a good atmosphere and a fair human approach helps.


Job opportunities

We're not looking for any new workers at the moment. If you are still interested in working with us, send your resume or a few information about yourself. Maybe we can figure something out for you.

We can also offer a job opportunity seasonally as a part-time job.

Would you like to work in Mifer? Send us your contact details and CV.

Attach your CV.
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MIFER s.r.o.

Invoicing address:
Na Vypichu 6,
Praha 6
CZ 169 00
VAT: 45309761


Production plant:

U Ovčína 1289,
CZ 253 01


Phone.: +420 220 980 442
Fax: +420 220 982 107