We assemble or complete the products as required. We distribute carefully packed products all over the Czech Republic or abroad based on customer requirements.
We assemble or complete the products as required. We distribute carefully packed products all over the Czech Republic or abroad based on customer requirements.
We can assemble, finish up, glue and package the products according to specific customer´s requirements. Products can be completed to the multiple product compositions and/or parts delivered by customer.
We use cardboard boxes for standard size product packaging. Big parts are stacked on the pallets. The goods are shipped on refundable EUR pallets as standard way of shipping. We can provide different size or ways of shipping based on agreement with our customers.
We are offering the logistics of goods by using the transportation and courier services. We can also provide full-truck products deliveries.
MIFER s.r.o.
Invoicing address:
Na Vypichu 6,
Praha 6
CZ 169 00
VAT: 45309761
Production plant:
U Ovčína 1289,
CZ 253 01