Our foundation is to keep high quality of our products and customer satisfaction. There we are constantly working on way for improvement.

What we do:

  • We are improving production and technological processes continually.

  • Since the project is planning, we try to predict potential risks in production process which might affect product quality. We are looking for solutions how to minimize or eliminate these risks.

  • We check continuously and systematically a quality of our products.

  • Our internal processes are well established and we lead our employees to follow them consistently. 

  • We fully comply with the quality management certification system of European Standards ČSN EN ISO 9001. 

  • We go forehead when solving the possible complains. We treat them personally and individually when it is possible. We are always looking for the most appropriate and fast solutions to meet our commitments and promises to customers.

Read more about our key technological and production competencies

Read more about our key technological and production competencies

MIFER s.r.o.

Invoicing address:
Na Vypichu 6,
Praha 6
CZ 169 00
VAT: 45309761


Production plant:

U Ovčína 1289,
CZ 253 01


Phone.: +420 220 980 442
Fax: +420 220 982 107
E-mail: mifer@mifer.cz